Rethinking business models through organizational development and design increases significantly, which puts new pressure on HR's ability to support processes for organizational development. Thus, the ability to cope with both organizational and behavioral changes is crucial for HR's future role.

Organizational Development & Design - NOCA

The theme includes both the "hard" elements of an organization (design) - structures, frameworks, systems, policies and metrics - and the "soft" elements of an organization (development) - culture, capabilities, values, behavior and relationships.

This theme is for everyone, but specially designed for HR professionals with responsibility for HR strategy and HR process development. HR professionals who work with change management will also be able to benefit from this theme.

Central questions

  • How can HR best support rethinking and development of business models?
  • How can HR best align processes and activities to the company's business needs?
  • What is 'best practice' for Organizational Development and design?

Central content

  • Business Strategy
  • Scenario Planning
  • Systems and Processes
  • Transformation

Central activities

Within this theme, we have recently dealt with:

  • Virtual reality as an HR and communication tool

  • where we focus on VR to convey complex messages and create learning and change. It can be difficult for many HRdepartments to see how VR can bring value to their organization. But if we see e.g. in the US, VR is used more and more as an important element in various HR areas. This can, for example, be recruitment, onboarding and general training of employees.

  • Stress can be prevented - get started!

  • where we see that stress is incredibly costly for companies, but that there is help available. Different cases can help to describe how, both at the primary, secondary and tertiary stages, you can work to deal with the stress problem in the current organization.
  • Gamification and Design Thinking in global leadership programs is a networking meeting where we look at how to use Gamification and Design Thinking to create global leadership training that combines the best of analog and digital learning in a program for 20.000 leaders in 30+ countries. Here we see, among other things, more on the work with management skills, the interaction between analogue and digital platforms and the use of game-based tools for involvement, reflection and training.
  • HR's role in crisis management is a subject that we all hope to never have to use for anything. But the fact is that crisis situations can arise suddenly, and that we must therefore be prepared to handle them. The challenge of identifying, preventing and managing these incidents is therefore a major concern in many organisations. The HR function, in these situations, has a crucial role, not only in protecting the welfare and safety of the employees concerned, but also in supporting organizational efficiency and execution.

  • Artificial Intelligence – threat or opportunity? is a meeting that provides inspiration for how AI can help create revolutionary change for both citizens and companies. We take a closer look at what it is that we can use artificial intelligence for and where it will create value and change.


Are you interested in even more exciting content? Read more about all NOCAs 9 themes here.