Upcoming Activities

17. December 2024
at 09.00 - 10.30 CET

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Mental work environment and well-being

Knowledge and tools for a good mental working environment and well-being in the workplace

A poor psychological working environment can drain employees, damage well-being and lead to serious problems such as stress and burnout. But with the right knowledge and the right tools, you can turn the tide and create a workplace where well-being and job satisfaction are the focus. 

At NOCA, we have the pleasure of inviting you to this webinar with the authors behind the book "Psychological work environment and well-being: Knowledge and tools for a better workplace", Thomas Clausen and Johan Simonsen Abildgaard. They will delve into the research behind a good mental working environment and provide concrete tools that can be implemented in your workplace – tools that can help you create lasting improvements. 

Are you an HR employee, manager or do you just want to create a healthier mental working environment for yourself and your colleagues? Then this webinar is for you! 

In this webinar you will, among other things, hear about:

  • What research and theorists say about psychological work environment
  • Cases from the authors' own research in the field 
  • Positive and negative factors in psychological work environment 
  • Consequences in the short and long term of working purposefully with PA 
  • Benchmarks for a good working environment effort 
  • Six phases in a working environment effort and how to work with them in practice

Thomas and Johan's book "Psychological work environment and well-being: Knowledge and tools for a better workplace" shows how to create lasting improvements in the psychological working environment using research-based models and practical tools. Through six concrete phases, you learn to monitor efforts and create momentum so that both employees and the workplace thrive. 

Do you want to learn how you can implement these tools and create a positive spiral where improvements lead to greater success and job satisfaction? Then register for our webinar, where Thomas Clausen and Johan Simonsen Abildgaard will guide you through their research and give you the tools you can use immediately. 

This webinar is for you who want to take concrete steps towards a healthier mental working environment. Sign up now and get the tools to make a real difference! 

Johan Simonsen Abildgaard, Associate Professor in Work and Organizational Psychology, Copenhagen Business School

Johan Simonsen Abildgaard has his primary job as Lecturer in work and organizational psychology at Copenhagen Business School, where he is line coordinator for Cand.Soc.HRM line - but, like Thomas, is also associated with the National Research Center for the Working Environment. He researches, among other things, psychological working environment and how in practice you can develop, implement and evaluate working environment initiatives in organisations. Johan has a PhD in psychology. and have one Ph.D. from the University of Copenhagen. He has helped to develop and implement concrete tools and methods to promote well-being in workplaces, and has a particular interest in the interaction between organizational changes and the psychosocial working environment. 

Thomas Clausen, Senior researcher, The National Research Center for the Working Environment

Thomas is a senior researcher at the National Research Center for Working Environment, where he has been employed since 2004. His background is Cand.Scient.Pol og Ph.D. from the University of Copenhagen, and has its primary focus on the psychosocial working environment. Thomas researches the psychological working environment in the broadest sense and has, among other things, focused on the importance of positive factors in the psychological working environment. He gets involved in several projects at NFA, e.g. within social relations, social capital and currently has a strong focus on working environment competence, which can precisely be seen as an important prerequisite for an effective local working environment effort. 

Register now to learn more about mental health at work and the concrete tools you can use to strengthen it in your organization.

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