Kommende Aktiviteter

14. juni 2021
kl. 14.00 - 15.00  CET

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Gender barriers (Online)

Shattering the Barriers That Hold Women Back at Work

The glass ceiling is still present, despite the milestones that have been reached in the fight for gender equality. Picture what’s under the ceiling: women completing office housework, working under unfair assumptions, and being passed up for roles they’re qualified for. The fact is: women are underrepresented in positions of power. The proportion of female CEOs struggles to break 10 percent across a variety of indices. With momentum sparked from recent catalysts, like the #MeToo movement and the appointment of Kamala Harris as U.S. VP, there is no better time to continue to clear the path to gender parity.

At this event, in collaboration with Tatarklubben, you will meet co-author of the new HBRP book ‘Glass Half-broken: Shattering the Barriers That Still Hold Women Back at Work’, Colleen Ammerman. She will explore why women’s careers continue to be limited and show how individuals, managers, and organizations can help eliminate the gender barriers that persist.

Glass half broken - NOCAFor the book, the authors surveyed over 275 female executives across the globe, spanning various industries. The book lets you connect with these real women, learning their unique stories, experiences, and challenges. The second section of the book presents a research-backed framework that shows how each individual and group inside an organization must take on a role in the fight to overcome gender barriers.



Colleen Ammerman - NOCA

Colleen Ammerman, Director, Gender Initiative at Harvard Business School

Colleen is the director of the Gender Initiative at Harvard Business School. She works with faculty leadership to support a research community and a platform for disseminating practice-relevant insights for advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in organizations. She co-authored the book, ‘Glass Half-Broken: Shattering the Barriers That Still Hold Women Back at Work’ along with Professor of business administration, Boris Groysberg.

You can learn more about the NOCA theme ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ here!