International HR and Employment Law Conference
Price for members of NOCA and Norrbom Vinding networks: 750 DKK
Price for non-members/non-clients: 1500 DKK
At the conference, we will look into challenges and opportunities of remote working, which continues to be a highly relevant topic – and maybe even increasingly so in light of the current economic crisis. Also, we will explore the legal aspects of organisations’ work with diversity, equity and inclusion. Finally, we will discuss and reflect on what benefits are relevant in the context of employee engagement. The speakers will be company representatives and lawyers from several European countries.
Employment law across Europe – what’s happened and what’s coming up?
We will start the day with a round-up of key developments in employment law across Europe. Countries have emerged from the pandemic and are now faced with a new crisis. What are the current trends and themes? The session aims to bring you up to speed with key developments, many of which will be explored in greater detail in the breakout sessions throughout the day.
Remote working – challenges and opportunities
During the pandemic, many employers asked employees to work from home – even if their home was located abroad. We are no longer required to uphold a remote working model, but there is a continued demand from employees to maintain the flexibility of being allowed to work from different locations. At the same time, many organisations realise that it is necessary to require a certain presence at the office to safeguard company culture and the wellbeing of all employees.
Also, organisations may even have an increasing wish to revisit the remote working model because of the economic crisis.
We will share insights on market practice for allowing remote working and discuss the main issues to consider when deviating from the archaic way of working, e.g., working environment (mental health, right to disconnect and working time), visa/immigration and tax/social security. And you will get a chance to reflect on these challenges in direct discussions with expert employment lawyers from Denmark and abroad.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) and employee activism
In the last few years, more and more employees find it essential, and also expect, that their organisations take a stand on important social, political or environmental issues. In this context, but also as part of the ESG agenda, DEI has become a key point of interest. We will explore how organisations can work with DEI without a risk of backlash due to statutory limitations and avoid a clash between DEI initiatives that often encourage employees to take a positive stand on specific issues and employees’ potential wish to express a personal opinion that does not necessarily correspond with the employer’s ESG/DEI agenda. Based on a concrete case, we will facilitate a discussion on the legal aspects of this theme in an international perspective.
Compensation and benefits in the context of employee engagement
Dissatisfaction with pay and pay structures is one of the reas
ons employees resign. Should compensation and benefits be tailored to employees with different needs and, if so, to what extent does this also include non-salary-related benefits (including working hours and work-life balance)? These are some of the questions that arise when organisations try to figure out what motivates employees in terms of compensation and benefits, which is particularly relevant due to the current economic uncertainty.
We will explore the current trends in organisations, including the proposed EU Equal Pay Directive and the potential consequences it may have for organisations, also when considering alternative approaches to compensation and benefits. The session will be kicked off by Executive Advisor Morten Brøkner of Klar Reward Agency who will provide practical insights.
Speed-dating (16:00 – 17:00) – optional
Have a drink and light snack while discussing with the speakers from Denmark and abroad whatever issues need addressing.
Christian K. Clasen, Yvonne Frederiksen, Torben Mølgaard Hededal, Rikke Falk Dambo, Morten Brøkner, Hannah Price (UK), Guillaume Bordier (France), Markus Janko (Germany) and Jenny Hellberg (Sweden)