Kommende Aktiviteter

11. november 2014
kl. 10.00 - 15.00  

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Global Leadership Development at FLSmidth

For English version, see below

D. 11. november afholder vi temamøde hos FLSmidth med særlig fokus på strategisk kompetenceudvikling i en global kontekst. Dagens vært er Elmer Mortensen, Senior Leadership Development Manager, som det seneste år har gennemført ledertræning hos FLSmidth gennem 26 programmer.

Dagens case

FLSmidth er vokset markant ved opkøb gennem de seneste 10 år og har gennemgået en transformation der betyder, at virksomheden ikke alene er en ledende spiller på det globale marked for udstyr og services til cement industrien, men også en betydelig spiller for udstyr til den globale mineindustri.

På den rejse har hovedfokus været væksten og i mindre grad integration og konsolidering – hvilket har betydet at kulturen i FLSmidth er blevet udfordret og utydelig. Ikke mindst er spørgsmålet blevet stillet: hvad er god ledelse i FLSmidth?

Midt i en tid med ny koncerndirektør og krise i hele cement og mineindustrien har man i FLSmidth valgt at satse stort på lederudvikling. Siden februar har man gennemført ledertræning regionalt på 6 kontinenter og skræddersyet til 3 niveauer af ledere efter principperne fra Leadership Pipeline. Ved udgangen af året vil næsten 550 ledere have været gennem træning.

The Leadership Pipeline er blevet valgt til at udgøre rygraden i en fælles tilgang til ledelse og konceptet er blevet overvældende godt modtaget. Det har vist sig at virke på tværs af de mange nationale og forretningsmæssige kulturer i en meget kompleks organisation.

I FLSmidth har man valgt en leverancemodel der indebærer at man altid har en intern HR udviklingsperson og en ekstern træner med på de enkelte hold – hvilket har været med til at løfte den globale og regionale HR organisation.

Kom og hør om og vær med til at diskutere:
• How to build a common approach to leadership in a complex and diverse organization – a simple concept
• How to deal with culture and diversity
• Why invest in leadership training in an economic downturn
• What training design means to make training meaningful
• How to deliver training on three leadership levels at five continents – what does it take


10.00 -10.30 
Welcome and presentation of participants

10.30 – 11.00
Introduction to FLSmidth and why focus on leadership in a Downturn


Global Leadership Transition program – content – design – global delivery

  • Challenge and discussion on: How to deal with “Global” and “Culture”
  • Does culture matter within leadership – why and why not

Networking Lunch

Workshop – produce ideas to the host on next steps

  • Based on what you have heard, what would be the two- three things that we could do, that would have the most positive impact for anchoring the program in the daily life of managers
  • Broad Communication about the program has been two little How to communicate about the program – when it has not been yet been done
  • How to build a common approach to leadership – a leadership framework for FLS using the leadership pipeline principles as the back bone
  • How to deal with leadership in the matrix organization – including how to deal with leaders (Best practices – recommendations – ideas)
  • Our Group Executive Management will have the a 1 day training the 15 January
  • Alternative delivery models

Wrap up and conclusions and good bye

Hvornår og Hvor?

D 11. november
Kl. 10:00 – 15:00

Vigerslev Allé 77,
2500 Valby
Bygning E, lokale E-112

November 11th
we meet at FLSmidth to focus on strategic competence development in a global context. The host of the day is Elmer Mortensen, Senior Leadership Development Manager, who has conducted leadership training through 26 programs during the past year.

The FLSmidth Case

FLSmidth has made many strategic acquisitions during the last ten years and therefore undergone a transformation into leading positions in new markets.

The main focus on this journey has been on growth and less on integration and consolidation – which means that the FLSmidth’s culture has been challenged and become indistinct. So what is good leadership in FLSmidth?

Since February FLSmidth has conducted leadership training regionally on 6 continents, custom made to 3 levels of leaders according to the principles of the Leadership Pipeline. By the end of 2014 app. 550 leaders will have gone through the training.

The choice of using the Leadership Pipeline has been very well received in the organization. It has proven to work across various national boundaries and business cultures in a very complex organization.

FLSmidth has chosen a delivery model, which means that you always have an internal HR development person and an external coach on each team – which has helped lift the global and regional HR organization.

Join us and be part of a discussion about:

• How to build a common approach to leadership in a complex and diverse organization – a simple concept
• How to deal with culture and diversity
• Why invest in leadership training in an economic downturn
• What training design means to make training meaningful
• How to deliver training on three leadership levels at five continents – what does it take


10.00 -10.30 
Welcome and presentation of participants

10.30 – 11.00 
Introduction to FLSmidth and why focus on leadership in a Downturn


Global Leadership Transition program – content – design – global delivery

  • Challenge and discussion on: How to deal with “Global” and “Culture”
  • Does culture matter within leadership – why and why not

Networking Lunch

Workshop – produce ideas to the host on next steps

  • Based on what you have heard, what would be the two- three things that we could do, that would have the most positive impact for anchoring the program in the daily life of managers
  • Broad Communication about the program has been two little How to communicate about the program – when it has not been yet been done
  • How to build a common approach to leadership – a leadership framework for FLS using the leadership pipeline principles as the back bone
  • How to deal with leadership in the matrix organization – including how to deal with leaders (Best practices – recommendations – ideas)
  • Our Group Executive Management will have the a 1 day training the 15 January
  • Alternative delivery models

Wrap up and conclusions and good bye

When and where?

November 11th, 2014
Kl. 10:00 – 15:00

Vigerslev Allé 77,
2500 Valby
Building E, room E-112


Read more about ‘Learning and Development’ right here!