Kommende Aktiviteter

31. august 2023
kl. 15.00 - 16.00  CET

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Leading in a Hybrid Workplace – How to succeed in a new reality

Join this webinar if you are curious about how to lead – and succeed – in a Hybrid reality.

Join this webinar if you are curious about how to lead – and succeed – in a Hybrid world.

What is the status of our workplaces post-COVID? Many leaders of hybrid teams are stressed and burned out. There are indications that innovation may be slowing, social capital is running low, and proximity bias is threatening the efficient use of human capital.

While most employees are back in the office in accordance with RTO (Return-To-Office) policies, many say they wanted a better reason than just company expectations – and say that they haven’t received them.

These insights make it clear that a return-to-office policy isn’t the same as a well-designed, fully supported hybrid strategy meant for the long term. The way we work was evolving before the pandemic and has been accelerated by it; any hybrid strategy will need to be fluid and flexible to evolve with the ever-changing world we live in.

If the ongoing debate surrounding our hybrid work policies persists between employees and employers, it is inevitable that we will witness increasingly detrimental outcomes concerning engagement and productivity.

Plus, an organization’s capacity to attract, hire, and retain talent, particularly in times of labor market scarcity, will be significantly compromised.

Join this webinar to learn how you as leaders and HR professionals can succeed in this new reality.

Much of the success of hybrid strategies is dependent on leaders caught in the middle – everyone between the C-Suite and the individual contributors at the front lines.

To achieve success with any hybrid strategy, leaders must adopt a systematic approach in understanding the evolving nature of work for their team members. It is crucial for them to recognize that this transformation has significant implications for their own leadership responsibilities.

In this webinar, we will explore four essential imperatives that leaders of hybrid teams must embrace. These imperatives demand that leaders strike a delicate balance between addressing the individual needs of their team members and driving productivity and business growth. To effectively accomplish this, we will present four key skills that middle leaders must master.


Amy Bernstein

is the Editor at Harvard Business Review (HBR) and the Vice President and Executive Editorial Director at Harvard Business Publishing.  Before joining HBR in 2011, she was Vice President, Head of Global Thought Leadership, at ManpowerGroup, a global employment-services company. She is a graduate of Yale University and lives in Boston.


Mark Marone

is the director of global insights at HBP Corporate Learning where he is responsible for developing research-based thought leadership. He has over 20 years of experience in the training and performance improvement industry researching, writing, and speaking about workplace issues. Mark holds a PhD from Indiana University and resides in St. Petersburg, FL.


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