Co-Creating NOCA with Design Thinking
Design Thinking is a valuable method for HR staff that wants to facilitate all kinds of learning, problem solving and decision processes – for example training, optimization, development of products, strategy, business models etc.
Join this meeting and learn how to use design thinking by doing it! We will work with a subject we all know and love, applying Design Thinking to NOCA’s value proposition – thus co-creating with NOCA together.
Experience the fun and involvement of generating ideas around how NOCA can best support and inspire its members (content) and how it can be done (form). Your ideas and solutions will be used to inspire and give direction to future activities in NOCA.
Among the Design Thinking methods, you can experience are: Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Design, Pains and Gains, Visual Talking, Game-storming and Gaming.
Date: June 13 at 12.00-16.00 (arrivals and sandwich from 11.30-12.00)
Place: NOCA, Fiolstræde 44, 1171 Kbh.K.
We speak English
Please forward this invitation to your English-speaking HR-colleagues! They don’t always subscribe to NOCA’s newsletter, but they can benefit fully from this meeting (In groups where everyone speaks Danish, we’ll be speaking Danish however).
Lær mere om Organisational Development and Design her.