Josh Bersin – Future of HR (Online Executive HR Check-in)
Mødet er forbeholdt medlemmer af NOCAs Executive HR Gruppe.
Future CHROs & Talent Leaders a conversation with Josh Bersin
We are inviting a selected group of HR leaders to an intimate conversation with Josh Bersin:
- Invite Only
- Future HR Leaders
- Latest HR Topics
- Build the European network
On the agenda:
- The business impact of HR
- The joys of hybrid work
- Rethink recruiting in the new economy
- HRTech
What to expect:
- Knowledge sharing
- Community building
- Opportunity for questions and brainstorming
Josh Bersin, Global HR Research Analyst
Josh Bersin is a global research analyst, public speaker, and advisor on the topics of corporate human resources, talent management, recruiting, leadership, technology, and the intersection between work and life. In 2001 Josh founded Bersin & Associates, known as the leading research and advisory company in corporate HR. In 2012 Bersin was acquired by Deloitte, and became Bersin by Deloitte. In mid-2018 Josh retired from Deloitte and started the Josh Bersin Academy.
Hvad er HR Executive Check-In?
HR Executive check-in i NOCA skaber et rum, hvor HR Executives kan mødes på tværs – nemt og uformelt. Fokus er er på videndeling og netværk. Formatet er online, og mødet afholdes på 50 minutter tidlig morgen. Emnerne relaterer sig alle til en CHROs agenda, og værdien af møderne skabes igennem korte oplæg og diskussioner faciliteret af NOCA. Som HR Executive i en medlemsvirksomhed modtager du invitationen til disse arrangementer direkte i din mailboks.