Kommende Aktiviteter

29. januar 2020
kl. 15.30 - 18.30  

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Reinventing the organization

Exclusive event for Executive HR NOCA members

As environments and strategies rapidly change, the traditional hierarchical, bureaucratic organization is under fire from new organizational models. Approaches such as platform, network, agile organization, learning organization, ambidextrous organization, and others are gaining traction, but leaders need clearer insight into these new models. What do these new organization models really look like and how do they actually work?


Reinventing the Organization -NOCA

In collaboration with Tatarklubben, NOCA invites HR Executives to an exclusive masterclass with organization expert Dr. Arthur Yeung. Based on his and co-author Dave Ulrich’snew book “Reinventing the organization” Dr Yeung will present a practical, integrated framework for innovating the organization to respond to changing market opportunities, at scale.

“Reinventing the organization” is based on research from some of the most dynamic companies in China, US and Europe such as Tencent, Facebook, Google, Alibaba, DiDi, Amazon, Google, and Supercell. Yeung and Ulrich describes in this book how to build a new kind of organization (a market-orientated ecosystem) that responds to changing market conditions with speed and scale.

Arthur Yeung - NOCAArthur Yeung

Dr. Arthur Yeung is a Senior Management Adviser at Tencent Group. Previously, he was the Philips Chair Professor of Human Resource Management at China Europe International Business School. Dr. Yeung’s research interests focus on building organizational capability for strategic implementation, creating unique value propositions for talent management, growing talent for business growth, and leading large-scale organizational transformation. As one of the leading experts in strategic human resource management, Dr. Yeung’s publications appear frequently in Human Resource Management Journal, Human Resource Planning Journal, Harvard Business Review (China), and many other leading journals and academic books. In 2002, Dr. Yeung was elected as “HR Executive of the Year” by Smart Fortune Magazine in China.


Click here to learn more about NOCAs theme ‘Organisational Development and Design‘.

29. januar 2020
kl. 15.30 - 18.30  

Deltag i arrangementet

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Reinventing the organization

Eksklusivt arrangement for NOCA HR Executive-medlemmer

Mange virksomheder gennemgår i disse år markante ændringer i forretningsmodeller og organisationsdesign. Nye markedsvilkår stiller krav til virksomheders effektivitet og innovationsevne og imødekommes i lang udstrækning af nye organisationsformer med overskrifter som platform, agile, network, learning og teal.  Det står klart, at den traditionelle hierarkiske organisationsform er ved at uddø, men hvad erstatter den?                                               Hvad indebærer disse nye organisationsudviklingsmodeller, hvad er forskellene og hvordan virker de?


I samarbejde med Tatarklubben inviterer NOCA til en eksklusiv masterclass for HR Executives med Professor Dr. Arthur Yeung. Med udgangspunkt i hans og medforfatter Prof. Dave Ulrichs nye bog ”Reinventing the Organization” vil Dr. Yeung præsentere et praktisk integreret framework for, hvordan organisationer kan imødekomme nye markedsforhold.

”Reinventing the organization”er baseret på forskning i organisationsmodeller blandt nogle af de mest dynamiske virksomheder i Kina, USA og Europa som Tencent, Facebook, Google, Alibaba, DiDi, Amazon, og Supercell. Yeung og Ulrich beskriver i bogen, hvordan man kan opbygge en ny form for organisation – et markedsorienteret økosystem – som responderer på ændrerede markedsforhold med både ”speed and scale”.

Arthur Yeung - NOCAArthur Yeung

Dr. Arthur Yeung er Senior Management Adviser at Tencent Group og forhenværende Philips Chair Professor of Human Resource Management ved China Europe International Business School. Dr. Yeung’s arbejde og forskning fokuserer på, at forbedre organisationens evne til strategisk implementering, at skabe et unikt organisatorisk udgangspunkt for talent management, og at lede store organisatoriske transformationer. Som en af de førende eksperter indenfor strategisk HR publicerer han ofte artikler i Human Resource Management JournalHuman Resource Planning JournalHarvard Business Review (Kina), og mange andre førende tidsskrifter. I 2002 blev Dr. Yeung udnævnt til “HR Executive of the Year” af Smart Fortune Magazine i Kina.

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Læs mere her om NOCA tema ‘Organisational Development and Design‘.