NOCA Network Run
As a new initiative, NOCA would like to give our Danish and international members a chance to participate in a networking activity, which is facilitated in English. Therefore, we are trying out a concept that we call "NOCA Network Run".
On Sunday the 16ththof June, NOCA will facilitate a 5K run for any NOCA members who would like to participate.
The run will include 3 brief stops (or slow-downs for the hard core runners) of 7-10 minutes, where each participant, in small groups (2-4 people) will discuss
- who they are and what their job consists of
- what they like to do in their spare time, etc
- if we should meet up again before the next run, what would we do? Museum, café, peer meeting, NOCA meeting, dinner or...
After the run you will have the opportunity to take part in a joined complimentary breakfast, where we will extend the dialogue and continue the networking experience.
Does this sound like something you, or someone you know, might be interested in? Forward this to your colleague, your boss, your best NOCA buddy or just grab a colleague by the hand and say: "Let's go network-running!".
So, join NOCA in starting up our new network-running activity and experience networking in a different way while meeting other HR professionals in a casual setting!
Practical information:
- The club is for all NOCA members (international or not) but will be facilitated in English.
- We will meet on June 16that 09.30 at Fiolstræde 44, 1171 Copenhagen K (right by Nørreport station). This is also where the activities will end.
- All NOCA members are invited regardless of running skills.
- Expected time use: 1 hour run including networking stops. If you stay for breakfast expect an additional 30-60 minutes.