Business-oriented HR (Online)
How does the HR function of the future best contribute to the business results?
This has been a central question since HR went from being an operational and administrative to a strategic function, where historically it was the HR partner who ensured the link between HR and the business, we must now talk about how we move HR to business-oriented SIR.
At this meeting, we will focus on how business-oriented HR becomes even better at delivering value for the business. We will get an insight into how Mille Borchorst, SVP, P&O Business Partnering at Novo Nordisk, and Lars Ulslev Johannesen, Group HR Director from Netcompany work strategically with HR partnering to support the business strategically and tactically.
We will also meet Camilla Ellehave, Partner and Trine Brahm, Associate Partner at RBL Nordics, who will present the results of the University of Michigan and RBL Group's HR competency study (led by Dave Ulrich) – the largest of its kind in the world.
The study will give us an insight into which competencies will be decisive for business-oriented HR to continue to develop its contribution and deliver on business results. The study is based on responses from almost 30.000 respondents and the results indicate that there are a number of clear and consistent answers to these questions across geographies, industries and companies.
Mille Borchorst
Mille Borchorst is Senior Vice President, P&O Business Partnering, at Novo Nordisk, where she has been for almost 17 years. Previously, Mille also held various leading roles within HR at Novo Nordisk. She has become familiar with external and internal communication and quality, but returns most happily to the HR function's many roles. She has been in both Centers of Excellences, Talent Attraction, Talent development and Rewards and HRBP in various director areas across the value chain. Her focus area, as a senior P&O manager, is to get individuals and teams to perform at their best, work in sync with other teams and networks and ensure that the organization is robust and ready for change. Before Novo Nordisk, Mille worked in the consulting house SHL. She graduated from the University of Copenhagen with an Msc. in Psychology and is a licensed psychologist with a minor in sports and a reserve officer in the Air Force.
Lars Ulslev Johannesen
Lars is CHRO and Group HR Director at the international IT company, Netcompany A/S. He has been here for over 11 years and continuously held leading roles within HR and organisation. Lars is educated with a Master's degree in Organizational Psychology from Roskilde University. In addition, in 2019 he completed The Advanced Human Resource Executive Program at the University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business.
Trine Brahm
Trine has recently joined RBL Nordics as an Associate Partner. Before that, Trine worked for 15 years at Novozymes, where she has held various leading roles within HR. This has given her 15 years of international management experience from several strategic management roles, e.g. organizational development, business partnering, management and talent development as well as HR strategy and transformation. She previously worked as a Management Consultant for 7 years and led large transformation and strategic projects across the private and public sector in Scandinavia. Trine is educated with an M.Sc. in International Business from CBS, where she also taught and researched at the Institute of Economics, Government and Business.
Camilla Ellehave
Camilla is Principal Consultant at RBL Group and Partner in RBL Nordics. Before she joined RBL, Camilla had worked for almost 20 years in a number of roles within HR and transformation management in e.g. AP Møller – Maersk and Novo Nordisk. She has, for the past 15 years, published and been an editor for academic journals as well as been a panelist and presenter on topics such as organizational transformation, management, diversity and equality. Camilla has an M.Sc. in International Marketing & Management from CBS and George Washington University as well as a Ph.D. in Organizational theory and Feminist studies from CBS and the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.
Read much more about NOCA's theme 'Organisational Development and Design' Here!