Hands-on-AI with Strategic Foresight & Anticipatory Leadership for AI in HR
Dear NOCA members,
Pack your laptop and book a train ride to beautiful Aarhus, because you’re invited to an immersive workshop in Hands-on-AI with Strategic Foresight & Anticipatory Leadership – a dynamic exploration at the intersection of technology, strategic foresight, and leadership.
You can learn by observing and talking to others, but transformation and innovative solutions often arise when we delve into technology together hands-on. What can this tool do? What can I use it for? What can society use it for? How do I take care when using it? What are its components and its potential? It’s not merely about discussing the present technological wave – it’s about understanding how it flows and riding it with purpose and intention.
Our workshop facilitators, Lise Bach Lystlund and Adam Gordon, bring a wealth of experience with guiding learning and a shared passion for leveraging technology for the betterment of humanity and the environment. They firmly believe that the most potent tech solutions emerge from collaborative efforts. In this workshop we collaborate from deep domain knowledge combined with tech skills.
Lise, a Data & AI Consultant and co-founder of Co-coders, has embraced this philosophy through her collaborations across diverse sectors, enriching tech solutions with invaluable insights from non-tech professionals. Adam, Associate Professor with AU and Unesco Chair in Anticipatory Leadership and Futures Capabilities, has dedicated his career to researching and applying methodologies that underpin anticipatory leadership and future perspectives.
This workshop isn’t just a discussion; it’s an engaging journey starting, if you want it to be. Join us as we tinker, experiment, and explore the potential of AI hands-on. Inspired with this new tool in our hands, let’s collectively envision futures where strategic foresight and anticipatory leadership might help guide our path of evolving HR, leadership, organizations and society beyond.
Date: Friday 1st of December 2023
Time: 10:00 – 15:00
Location: Aarhus University, Building 2610, Room: 2610-530
Find your way: https://www.au.dk/om/organisation/find-au/bygningskort/?b=2610
We look forward to welcoming you to a day filled with inspiration, engagement, fruitful chats with peers and opportunities for learning!
Bring your laptop and curiosity!
Note that we have limited seating, but waitlisting is possible. If you get a seat, and realise that you cannot join, cancel to free up a seat for your NOCA member buddy.
Lise Bach Lystlund, Co-coders
Lise is a dedicated Data & AI Consultant and co-founder of Co-coders. Passionate about technology’s positive impact on people and the environment, she advocates for interdisciplinary collaborations. Lise’s journey includes optimizing demand response transportation, supporting caregivers in their daily workflows, and minimizing energy consumption in building operations. She firmly believes in the power of combining profound domain knowledge with tech skills, asserting that this fusion propels the development of superior tech solutions. “Co-coders is an inclusive community for ALL tech interested people. We want to give everybody a basic understanding of technology through public talks without buzzwords and network activities stimulating knowledge sharing. We believe the best tech solutions are being developed by interdisciplinary collaborations, so we want to invite non-tech professionals to join our community.” Follow Lise on LinkedIn for more insight into her journey, learnings and reflections.
Adam Vigdor Gordon, Aarhus University
Adam is an accomplished Associate Professor at Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences, renowned for developing and applying methodologies that define high-quality leadership future views. Holding the Unesco Chair in Anticipatory Leadership and Futures Capabilities, Adam’s extensive experience encompasses research, teaching, and advising in strategy, leadership, and innovation. He has a deep understanding of industry shifts and future implications, guiding the formulation of robust sector transitions. Adam’s dedication to education, EdTech, and broadening access epitomizes his commitment to a future shaped by visionary leadership and foresight. Follow him on LinkedIn for views on strategic foresight and insight into his contributions to the field of leadership and horizons beyond.