Leadership of the future – are you prepared?
New NOCA event:
Leadership of the future – are you prepared?
We are living in a VUCA-world
VUCA was introduced by the U.S. Army War College to describe the more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous multilateral world which resulted from the end of the Cold War.
Today VUCA, is used in emerging ideas about strategic leadership. Business models are changing, faster than we can write about them. New technologies pop-up almost every month. We hear about Generation X, Generation Y and the Millennials. Everyone is also talking about disruption – disruptive technologies, disruption in the industries, and even in recruitment and employee best practices. This basically means things are going to happen that we haven’t even thought about or planned for. But what does all this mean for organizations? The best companies adapt and they adapt quickly. But the big question is, which Leadership skills are needed to navigate your company through this changing environment.
Leadership skills in a VUCA world
In this event we will argue that important Leadership skills needed in a VUCA-world are Vision, Understanding, Connection and Agility and not the usual Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity.
The four Leadership skills mentioned have a considerable overlap with each other and we would like to focus on agility in this event.
The definition for agility is:
“Agility is a distinct quality that allows individuals, teams & organizations to respond rapidly to changes in the internal and external environment, without losing momentum and whilst holding true to your purpose, values and vision.”
In this meeting, we will discuss the leadership of the future and the role of HR in making this possible. Addressing agility we will discuss this on three levels:
1. For leading self, Learning agility
2. For leading other, Agile leadership
3. For Leading an organization, Strategic agilityCome and join the discussions – share your insights and learn new insights.
This meeting is a golden opportunity to attend a meeting where the focus is on discussing the needs of the future and therefore also what HR need to do and be capable of meeting this future. Come and share what you see emerging in the future and what that calls for in terms of Leadership.
Does your top management team have a clear picture? Do you?
The four speakers will each be offering different dimentions to the theme.
Andre de Wit has held positions as CEO of IKEA Iberica, CEO Metro Cask & Carry Croatia, Group Director of Learning Metro and Vice President Learning Carlsberg Group prior to establishing himself as an independent consultant.
Melanie McCall has held positions as Head of Talent Acquisition Boots, Head of HR Carlsberg UK and Global Leadership Development Development Director Carlsberg Group prior to becoming an independent consultant.
Tue Juelsbo is heading up research within Leadership and Organisational Development in Mannaz and is simultaneously a Ph.D Scholar in innovation management at Aalborg University and author of “Learn! Effective talent development and Innovation” (Lær! In Danish).
Annelise Goldstein is Group Head of Talent at Nordea and came from a position as Corporate Vice President, Corporate Talent & Leadership at Novo Nordisk. NOTE! Annelise is unfortunately prevented from attending. Instead we get the pleasure of a Nordea colleague, Mads Thomsen, as the fourth speaker. Mads is Head of Talent Development at Nordea.
Mannaz A/S
Kogle Alle 1
2770 Hørsholm
October 31st 2017
9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Lunch will be served around 12.00 am.
Learn more about ‘Organisational Development og Design‘ right here!