Do you work for a NOCA member but need a little help on how to get started with your NOCA-journey? You have come to the right place.
Take a look at our video – it gives a description of NOCA and our values.
What do you get?
- 8000+ HR professionals added to your network and to connect with at our activities
- 45+ annual activities
- 100+ member organisations in your network
- A learning platform with several videos and slides from previous events.
How do you get started? – 5 quick advice
- Create an account on our website here (the secretariat will approve your profile within a few working days).
- Sign up for our newsletter by creating a profil on the website like described above or sign up via email here.
- Follow NOCA on LinkedIn – and discover your NOCA network: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nocahr/
- Read the onboarding flyer below or sign up for an online introduction with the secretariat. Take a look at our upcoming introductions here.
- Sign up for an event!
Read more in our onboarding flyers: NOCA Onboarding flyers – NOCA
We look forward to seeing you in NOCA!
Need to reach out?
You can always reach us on noca@noca.dk or +45 33 13 18 00.